“Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. They get a beautiful heart.” Shinichi Suzuki

Grade 2

As they continue their musical journey at Grovecrest, students in 2nd grade will be practicing and performing the musical "Glow".  Volunteers work closely with classroom teachers to rehearse and perform the play for parents at the end of the semester. 

For Volunteers
Thank you for volunteering to help with the Glow Program! This program requires about 30 minutes per week of rehearsals for 10-12 weeks.  Please contact your child's teacher to find a time that works best for both of you. Rehearsals may be held in the classroom, gym, or Music Lab, depending on the teacher's preference.  If you need to schedule the Music Lab for rehearsals, please visit the Music Lab schedule and enter in your teacher's name and time so that we can avoid over-booking.

For a copy of the music and scripts, contact Janna Hubert. We are hoping to have the "Glow" script available online in the near future for parents and volunteers to use as a resource for their child.

To find out how you can volunteer to help with "Glow" or for other questions, please contact Janna Hubert at 801-785-2311 or email us at grovecrestmusic@hotmail.com.

Ideas for "Glow"
If you have volunteered with the "Glow" program in the past, please share your ideas and knowledge with us!  The more we can learn from others, the better this experience will be for both our volunteers and our children.  Please comment below or send us an email at grovecrestmusic@hotmail.com.